Friday, January 9, 2009

How to be Happy

I am happy. I am very, very happy.

A lot of people are not happy.

Society says that single mothers with young children and a tight budget should not be high up there on the "Happy People" List.

Friends, family and acquittances frequently say how much they admire my positive attitude towards life when my circumstances are so hard. They say that if they were in my position they would just crumble.

I always accept the praise (I love it...who doesn't??) but I do not need this praise. I do not need peoples praise to make me feel better about myself or to give me a sense of self. I find this from within.

In this post I am going to write about why I am happy.

I am happy because I am so grateful for what I have.
1.I have a happy, healthy, beautiful daughter.
2.I have a job that I love.
3.I have a home that I feel comfortable and safe in.
4.I have a car that is safe and gets me from A-to-B.
5.I have a supportive family.
6.I have friends whose company I enjoy.
7.I have a laptop and internet.

This is what I think about. Everyday when I wake up I feel so happy and thankful for what I have.

There are many thing that I don't have but I am not going to list them.
This is because what I have and am lucky to have is soooooo much more important.

It is very easy to spend a lot of time wallowing in the negative. It is easy to think about the things that other people have that you don't.
I recommend that you should try and recondition your thinking.
Make a list of the things that you have and are grateful for and read that list often.

Constanly Challenge Yourself
When I set myself a goal and work hard to reach that goal and finally reach that goal
it gives me such a great feeling of pride and self belief.
I know that if I decide I want to do something and focus on this I Can Do It!!.

What challenges do I set for myself:
1.I challenged myself to get a Teaching License...I studied very hard, passed the tests and now I have my license.
2.I challenged myself to learn how to make a webpage...I can now build a website from scratch (If you have any questions about this please let me know and I would be more than happy to share my knowledge)
3.I challenge myself to be the best mother that I can be EVERYDAY

As a person if we constantly strive to be a better person rather than to lie stagnant I believe this adds a lot to the inner feeling of well being.

Making Conscious Decisions
My life is not like a leaf blowing in the wind. I do not go back and forth with every whim. Make a conscious decision as to the direction that you want your life to follow.
Make a conscious decision about the type of person you want to be.
Sometimes it is better in the long run to take the harder route.
You will be a better person for it.

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