Thursday, January 8, 2009

Finishing the Background Info

So when myself and BD were still together he was arrested for DUI.

He lost his license, his car and cost us thousands in court and lawyer fees.
After a few months he was sentenced to a fine and Drunk Driving classes. This was a pain!!

Skipping forward a bit..When we broke up I was working in a restaurant and that means working evenings. I thought it was best for my daughter if BD came over to the house and watched her there. For my daughter this worked well. She was at home with a parent most of the time. For me.....did not work so well. BD called me in work every 10 minutes and accused me of being in work and drinking, BD criticised the food in the house, the cleanliness and just about everything else you can imagine.
You are probably wondering why I let him in....well it is because I needed the help(or thought I needed the help) and I did not want DD in BD new home where he lives with another man that I don't know.

So the final straw in this whole situation is that BD had become good friends with a guy he met indrunk driving class. BD thought it was appropriate to bring this guy over to watch my DD with him in MY house.
I am not exaggerating about this but I got the WEIRDEST vibe from this guy like a pedophile, not good person type vibe. I was NOT comfortable with DD safety with this guy around. I told BD NOT to bring that guy near my house again he was NOT welcome.
One Saturday night I went to work and when I got home this guy was there. I was like WTH????? Don't put my daughter in harms way o you can have fun with your drinking buddy....when you are watching her.

The friend left, but BD was totally set off. He attacked me to the point where I thought he might kill me. DD was asleep upstairs at the time. I called the police. Since that night I have moved so BD does not know where I live.
He is not welcome into my home anymore. DD still sees him, he absolutely adores her...But he will NEVER set foot into my home again.

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